THE CHIMERA FUNCTION: Performance Lecture Series.

The Chimera Function, an experimental performance lecture where the audience are introduced to the archetype of the Chimera, Chimera theory and Lo Lo’s Chimera methodology within their art practice and research.

The performance lecture contributes to Lo Lo’s research as participants are invited to answer some questions on the experience a few days later, once it has percolated within their psyche, as per the ‘Chimera theory’ of planting psychic seeds to be ingested, digested and reproduced as ones own thought entity.

In this lecture Lo Lo No uses film and text from H. G Wells ‘The Island of Dr. Moreau’, Paul. B Preciado’s ‘Can The Monster Speak’ and David Cronenberg’s ‘Crimes of the Future’. To constellate the Chimera Function (archetype, theory, methodology) through an academic style text which has been processed through Lo Lo’s Chimera writing methodology. Meaning it has been deconstructed, merged with auto ethnographic texts and reduced and distilled into a new abstract text. To test if a performative and abstract communication can be more effective, received and reproduced by the participants in unexpected and valuable ways. 
